The application for an assistance dog is a three-step process:
Review the Required Information, Eligibility and our Policies & Process page to be sure you can apply.
Complete a multi page application online where you must provide medical and personal information
and pay a $50 non-refundable fee.
Print and complete/distribute additional forms. The list of information is included below.
Must be 16 or older to have an independent assistance dog. PAALS will consider younger facilitated teams; however, the minimum age to be considered is 5 years old. A facilitated team placement means that a parent/guardian will be responsible for giving cues to the assistance dog.
GEOGRAPHIC RESTRICTIONS - You must live within: Mobility, Facility and Skilled Home Companion applicants: 230 miles of PAALS.Autism applicants: 130 miles of PAALS.PTSD applicants and people diagnosed with PTSD: 130 miles of PAALS
PTSD applicants must be in consistent (at least once a month) therapy for a minimum of 6 months.
Adult applicants (and the parent/guardian facilitator of a facilitated assistance dog team) must pass a background check.
Must be able to provide a safe environment.
Must be able to provide dog with exercise daily.
Must be able to afford annual dog supplies and veterinary services averaging $1,500 per year.
Must have no more than one additional dog living in the home with the PAALS dog.
Must have a stable living situation for a minimum of one year before placement.
Must have explored potential employment and housing conflicts.
Must be willing to send follow-up paperwork proving medical care and continued training to PAALS after placement of assistance dog.
Must be able to attend a 2-3 week team training session in Columbia, SC prior to placement at their own expense and to provide their own transportation, housing, meals and care attendant if needed.
Must have realistic expectations of tasks/roles a dog could perform which could assist a person with a disability and/or a a teacher, counselor or therapist who work with people with disabilities (facility dog).
Must have back-up care arranged for assistance dog in case of an emergency.
Must be willing to continue the training program that PAALS begins for the team throughout the working life of the dog.
Must keep PAALS apprised of any changes that would affect any of the above after application is accepted.
Must complete all 3 steps of the application process to be eligible.
Must treat PAALS dog with unconditional love!
Failure to report any information or changes in your application information could
adversely effect your application status.