The application for an assistance dog is a three-step process:
Review the Required Information, Eligibility and our Policies & Process page to be sure you can apply.
Complete a multi page application online where you must provide medical and personal information
and pay a $50 non-refundable fee.
Print and complete/distribute additional forms. The list of information is included below.
As a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, we are fortunate to provide service dogs to our clients at no cost for the dog. There are 2 expenses involved which are listed below. (Both the fee/tuition is waived for Rob's Best Friend Fund applicants.)
There is a $50 non-refundable application fee to apply for an assistance dog. This covers administrative costs to review and process your application. The application is not considered complete, and the review process will not begin, until all required documents/information have been received.
TEAM TRAINING TUITION *(Waived for Rob's Best Friend Applicants)
There is a $5,000 Team Training tuition fee associated with training you and your assistance dog prior to placement. This tuition can be paid directly or fundraised. PAALS encourages clients to participate in fundraising which many find enjoyable and we find it also helps educate the community about the nearly $40,000 and two years required to train and place an assistance dog with someone in need.
*This tuition should not prohibit you from applying for an assistance dog. Please do not begin fundraising before you receive notice of acceptance into the PAALS program.
Application Review Process
Your application review process will not begin until all required documents have been received, including all Applicant (and Facilitator when necessary) Medical Information from your healthcare providers, the Background Information Release Authorization and a DD214 form (discharged veterans only) and any additional requested information. If your application is not complete within six months, you will be required to submit a new completed package to be considered for an interview.
The Applicant Committee (AC) will review your application, Applicant/(Facilitator) Medical Information, and all supporting documents.
a. If the AC feels that PAALS is unable to provide an assistance dog for you, PAALS will send you a letter of notification.
b. If the AC feels that PAALS may be able to provide an assistance dog for you, PAALS will move to Step #2.
The AC will call or email you to set up an Initial Interview to be held in Columbia, SC. This interview usually lasts 1 to 2 hours. Two or more PAALS representatives will ask you, your family and other household member’s additional questions to better understand your needs. You will be able to ask any questions you may have at this time. PAALS may take pictures or video strictly for the confidential viewing of the AC. A PAALS assistance dog in training will also be present.
You must contact, in writing, PAALS within 1 week after the Initial interview if you would like to move forward with your application.
a. If you do not want to move forward or if you have not contacted PAALS within 1 week we will consider your application closed.
b. If you do want to move forward with your application then PAALS will submit your initial interview information to the AC.
The AC will review your application along with additional information from the Initial Interview.
a. If the AC feels that PAALS is unable to provide an assistance dog for you, PAALS will send you a letter of notification.
b. If the AC feels that PAALS may be able to provide an assistance dog for you, PAALS will move to Step #4.1 for applicants for a dog for a person with Mobility, PTSD, or autism or to Step #5 for other applicants.
4.1 If you have applied for a dog for a person for Mobility, PTSD, or Autism, the AC will call or email you to set up a Second Interview to be held in Columbia, SC. Because a member of the AC will be contacting some of your medical providers prior to this interview, it could take three to four months before an interview can be scheduled. This interview will take place in a public location and usually lasts 1 to 2 hours. Two or more PAALS representatives will be present along with a PAALS assistance dog in training.
4.2 You must contact, in writing, PAALS within 1 week after the Second Interview if you would like to move forward with your application.
a. If you do not want to move forward or if you have not contacted PAALS within 1 week we will consider your application closed.
b. If you do want to move forward with your application then PAALS will submit your second interview information to the AC.
4.3 The AC will review your application along with additional information from the Second Interview.
a. If the AC feels that PAALS is unable to provide an assistance dog for you, PAALS will send you a letter of notification.
b. If the AC feels that PAALS may be able to provide an assistance dog for you, PAALS will move to Step #5.
The AC will call or email you to set up a Home Interview to be held in your home. All members of the household must be present. This usually lasts 1 to 2 hours. Two or more PAALS representatives will ask you, your family and other household member’s additional questions to better understand your needs and your living environment. PAALS will look at every room in the house as well as any/all yard spaces. PAALS will meet any other pets. A PAALS assistance dog in training will also be present.
You must contact, in writing, PAALS within 1 week after the Home Interview if you would like to move forward with your application.
a. If you do not want to move forward or if you have not contacted PAALS within 1 week we will consider your application closed.
b. If you do want to move forward with your application then PAALS will submit your Home interview information to the AC.
The AC will review your application along with additional information from the Home Interview.
a. If the AC feels that PAALS is unable to provide an assistance dog for you, PAALS will send you a letter of notification.
b. If the AC feels that PAALS is able to provide an assistance dog for you, PAALS will call you to let you know that you have been selected as a PAALS client.
Complaint Resolution Policy
If any student, client, applicant, or volunteer should have a problem with PAALS practices, policies, staff members or volunteers, they are encouraged to contact the Executive Director of PAALS. Should further recourse be sought, the individual should contact the President of the PAALS Board of Directors. The President’s contact information is available through PAALS
PAALS Policy Statement for Staff and Volunteers
The goal of our staff and volunteers is to provide each applicant with a comprehensive review of their application in order make the best decision regarding the possible placement of an assistance dog with the applicant. We strive to make sure that the application process is both comprehensive and compassionate.
Each applicant will be treated with respect and courtesy.
PAALS staff and volunteer will endeavor to answer any phone calls and/or emails regarding the application process and specific applications within 48 hours.
The staff and volunteers will be a source of support during the application process.
If the application is approved,
a. The applicant will be matched with a dog that will meet his/her needs as determined by PAALS.
b. The applicant will receive a complete educational program regarding dog ownership, using the assistance dog effectively and how to handle the assistance dog in public places under the ADA Law. The PAALS instructor will be familiar with the nature of a applicant’s disability and will provide appropriate training.
c. The PAALS staff and volunteers will be available for follow up support once the Assistance Dog Team goes home.
PAALS Policy Statement for Applicants
PAALS Policy Statement for Applicants
The applicant will treat everyone (PAALS staff, volunteers and other clients) with courtesy and respect and will not physically or verbally abuse anyone.
The applicant assumes full responsibility for the actions of any member or personal care attendant who accompanies him/her for interviews and home visit.
The applicant recognizes that their application will not be fully reviewed until all required paperwork has been received.
The applicant recognizes that the application process can take six months or longer.
The applicant understands that PAALS has the right to discontinue the application process and disqualify an applicant if any of the above policies are not followed.
Please note that the Applicant Committee meets once a month and the time frame
of this process varies and may take six months or longer.
PAALS Non-Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of this organization to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual preference, age or disability.
By continuing to the application you acknowledge that you understand the information you must provide, you have read the eligibility requirements and the Policies and Process information and wish to complete an application.